10 Must-Read Cannabis Books

Cannabis, with its rich history and growing cultural significance, has sparked a wealth of literature exploring its various aspects. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or simply curious about the subject, a vast array of cannabis-related books are waiting to be explored. 

In this blog, we present ten must-read cannabis books that offer a fascinating journey into the world of cannabis, covering its history, science, culture and more.

1. "The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness" by Steve DeAngelo

Written by a prominent cannabis activist and industry leader, this book provides a comprehensive overview of cannabis as a plant, its medicinal potential, and the social and political landscape surrounding it. DeAngelo explores the therapeutic benefits of cannabis and advocates for its responsible use.

2. "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" by Jorge Cervantes

Considered the go-to resource for cannabis cultivation, this book covers everything from growing techniques, plant care, and strain selection to harvest and post-production processes. It serves as an invaluable guide for both beginner and experienced growers.

3. "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer

A classic in the cannabis literature, this book presents a compelling argument for the legalization of cannabis. Herer delves into the history, uses, and potential industrial applications of hemp, challenging the prevailing myths surrounding the plant.

4. "Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana - Medical, Recreational, and Scientific" by Martin A. Lee

Offering an insightful exploration of the social, cultural, and political aspects of cannabis, Lee's book traces the history of marijuana from ancient times to the modern era. It delves into the various forces that shaped cannabis prohibition and the evolving attitudes toward the plant.

5. "Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana" by Michael Backes

With an emphasis on medicinal cannabis, this book provides a comprehensive guide to using cannabis as a therapeutic agent. Backes explores various medical conditions and offers practical advice on strain selection, dosage, and administration methods.

6. "The Little Black Book of Marijuana: The Essential Guide to the World of Cannabis" by Steve Elliott

For those seeking a concise and approachable introduction to cannabis, this book is an excellent choice. Elliott covers a wide range of topics, including the history of cannabis, its effects, different consumption methods, legal issues, and even recipes.

7. "Breaking the Grass Ceiling: Women, Weed, and Business" by Ashley Picillo and Lauren Devine

Focused on the role of women in the cannabis industry, this empowering book highlights the experiences and stories of female entrepreneurs, activists, and professionals. It sheds light on the challenges faced by women and celebrates their contributions to the cannabis movement.

8. "The Cannabis Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to Cultivation & Consumption of Medical Marijuana" by Jorge Cervantes

Another comprehensive work by Jorge Cervantes, this encyclopedia-style book covers every aspect of cannabis, from genetics and cultivation techniques to extraction methods and consumption. It is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the intricacies of cannabis.

9. "The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis" edited by Julie Holland, M.D.

Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this anthology explores cannabis from multidisciplinary perspectives. It covers a wide range of topics, including the plant's history, its role in medicine, the effects of cannabis on the mind and body, and legal and social issues.

10. "Brave New Weed: Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis" by Joe Dolce

In this thought-provoking book, Dolce investigates the cutting-edge developments in the world of cannabis, from medical breakthroughs to emerging cannabis culture. He offers a balanced perspective on the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis.

These ten must-read cannabis books offer diverse perspectives on cannabis, encompassing its history, cultivation, medical applications, social impact, and cultural significance. Whether you're seeking practical guidance, historical insights, or a deeper understanding of this plant and its potential, these books provide a wealth of knowledge for cannabis enthusiasts and those curious about its multifaceted nature. So grab a book, dive into the world of cannabis, and broaden your horizons.
